
Thursday, 31 August 2017

Post Card Activity-Template

Task Description: Today room 7 is learning about the red planet mars. we have also been writing a post card to a friend and even we can do it to celebrities.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Sun Project

Walt: We Are Learning about the sun in our solar system.
Task Description: Today room 7 had an exciting activity to do. It is could The Advice Column where children could ask me for help.

Thursday, 17 August 2017


Walt: We are learning the different's about natural and man made.
Task description: Today room 7 is learning about satellites. We are learning the different's about natural and man made.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Creating My Own Solar System

Walt: understand information collected from multiple sources.

                                              TASK DESCRIPTION:
                                   This is a task that everyone in room 7 had to do when they finished there work. This task is an extra task that we can do. room 7 can do this task if we are finished all of our work, this task is very cool. This task is also s good task for the space astronauts out in space.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Visiting Your Solar System

Task Description: In room 7 we have been learning about space and the planets. today room 7 had an activity to do. We had to visit this  his name was Gorgon. Room 7 had to help him do things that he could not do.