
Thursday, 26 September 2019

Tracking My Learning - Plant Cells

We have been learning about genomics, This week our class have been learning about the plant cells and what is inside the plant cells and what the different parts do.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Whats Inside a cell?

Today we have been taking notes on what is inside our cells.

Body Cells - What's Inside a Cell

On Monday our class learned about what is inside the cell. The cell is made up of tiny organelles which are Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus, Ribosomes, Chromosomes, and Golgi Apparates.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Body Cells - Nerve Cells (Neurons)

This week our class have been watching videos about our nerve cells inside our body which you can also call our neurons, did you know that we have 86 billion neurons inside our brain and there are only 2 parts to the nervous system.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Body Cells - Blood

This week our class have been focusing on what goes on inside our body and the colours of our blood. Blood is a type of liquid that flows through our body. Also there are 4 types of blood which are blue, green, clear, and red which is the type of blood that we have.